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See where ICHA Ministries is active around the world spreading the good news of the Gospel.




The current ICHA work on the continent of Africa can be traced back to its origins in Lesotho in 1973. Since that time, the work has expanded into South Africa and is thriving today under the leadership of missionaries and national church leaders.


The work in Lesotho, Africa, began under the leadership of The Church of the Bible Covenant. Around 1973, Roger and Sonja Rehfeldt

went to Lesotho as missionaries. When their original plan to go to Malawi fell through, the Rehfeldts came to Lesotho and started a

very successful medical clinic around Maseru while also taking trips into South Africa to minister.

When the ICHA started in 1986, the Rehfeldts joined the new group and served as their missionaries thus beginning ICHA's

involvement in the work. John and Mae Rossman, the Tsikane Phekos, and the Rehfeldts labored together in Lesotho and began

working in South Africa near where our campground is today.

At one point the Rehfeldts needed to build a house in South Africa for the mission work. The ICHA was in one of our first camps at Silver Heights, KY. When an appeal was made for $20,000.00 to build the house, the Lord’s Spirit moved in a miraculous way and God’s people gave generously until the goal was surpassed.


Later, Paul and Doris Cook moved from California to help in South Africa and ended up staying for many years (1990 – 2007) even

serving as the overseer of the work. Paul Cook had labored as aprinter in California. He printed 3,000,000 tracts in different languages

at the print shop at themission station in South Africa.

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In more recent years, Darrel and Tonda Miller have been serving as missionaries in South Africa and have done a great work.

Brother Miller has preached and helped to build churches as well as oversee the field. They are greatly loved by the people there. 

Sister Rachel Cutler, a young and single lady who had been born in Lesotho, went back to work among children there for the ICHA.

Tragically, not long after she moved back to Lesotho, Rachel was taken to heaven in a vehicle accident on November 17, 2015.


Sister Kayla (Slayton) Peters was appointed in June of 2019 as ICHA’s missionary to Lesotho and arrived in Lesotho in December of 2019.

In September of 2020 Kayla was married to Benjamin Peters who joined her in the work in Lesotho. Together they work alongside

the four ICHA churches in Lesotho, encouraging and strengthening them. They stay busy ministering to the children of these churches

— teaching and feeding the children on a weekly basis. Their vision for the future is to help teach and train the pastors and leaders

of these churches.

Darrel & Tonda Miller

South Africa


John & Genille Whitaker

Field Coordinator

Benjamin & Kayla Peters




The current ICHA work in Honduras began with the work of the Hall family in 1973. With central and satellite churches in several areas, the work is still going strong today under the leadership of National President, Luis Miranda.



In 1973, John Wesley Hall and his wife Patricia went to the country of Honduras to begin a work for the Church of the Bible Covenant. Prior to their arrival in Honduras, they had labored in the country of Cuba until Fidel Castro overthrew the government and Cuba became a communist nation. The Halls moved to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, rented a house and began a church. John played an accordion and would go into a neighborhood and play it outside to draw people in. Then they would announce a church service for next the Sunday.


The main ICHA church in San Pedro Sula once housed a tavern. John Hall talked to the tavern owner and told him he felt like God wanted him to start a church there where the tavern was. The owner agreed to sell the building and property to him and the church was born. Subsequently, Brother Hall met Argentina Garcia - current pastor of the church - and her mother and they started attending this new church. Others begin attending also including Rafael Hernandez, the first convert of the Halls' work. At one point when the river had flooded, Brother Rafael swam a swollen river to check on his missionary because there was no other way to get to them.


John Wesley Hall built churches on a “Spoke” system starting with a central church and then developing satellite churches around it. At one point Brother Hall had over 100 churches in Honduras. The Halls were used of God to do a great work in this Central American country. The ICHA formed in November, 1986. Rev. Hall joined the Association within just a few months.



Luis Miranda began to serve as National Church President with the Pacto Biblico Conservadora at its  beginning with the ICHA

and has continued until today. Missionaries who have served with us besides the Halls include Paul and Cindy Easley,

Brady and Mary Duren and Stephen and Yvonne Delong. Many ICHA laypeople and ministers have taken short term mission’s trips

to Honduras. We have hosted eye clinics with Dr. David Holliday and Dr. Mark Roark. Today the churches are operated with

a National Board and President in conjunction with an ICHA Field Coordinator - current Coordinator Barry Whitaker.

The Lord has done a great work among the ICHA churches in Honduras and we look for tremendous days ahead.

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Barry & Monica Whitaker

Field Coordinator

General Board, Honduras




Union Bayer is a village tucked away from civilization in Guatemala. The small population in Union Bayer does not enjoy things that we take for granted, like running water, inside plumbing, and electricity. These people are indigenous and speak their own dialect besides the Spanish language. 


About three years ago the local government started a program to help people in these remote areas. Our national pastor, Roman Collado, was approached and asked if he could go to Union Bayer and provide spiritual enlightenment as part of the program.


As God’s people have given to support this work, a beautiful church building has been built with a congregation of about fifty adults and children. A combined effort has developed between the ICHA and Latin American Ministries to support this work. Pastor Roman travels to this village every week to minister to the people, but it is not the same as having a permanent pastor stationed there. Our vision for the future is to install a permanent pastor who can continue to disciple the people of Union Bayer as they grow in their Christian walk.


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Greenfield, IN 46140



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Ossian, IN 46777


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