The following is a summary of the philosophy of the International Conservative Holiness Association
The International Conservative Holiness Association is...
Composed of servants of God - ministers and laymen - whose hearts are burdened and who earnestly desired to maintain the concepts and practices which holiness people have traditionally accepted as the true way of God
Aggressive in its evangelistic outreach, firmly believing that the world is its parish
Committed to conserve in a bond of holy fellowship, wherever possible and for Christ's sake, any who seek to keep blessed of God, follow His holy way, and remain undeceived in these last days
Set for the defense of the Gospel and desiring to do battle for principles that are not marketable
Engaged in supporting a charitable attitude toward any who do not elect to align themselves with those who hold these views
In favor of honoring the individual conscience
Opposed to any ecclesiastical system which suppresses the individual and makes the masses subject to the control of the few to the destruction of the democratic process
In favor of the anointed preaching of prophets sent from God who are not turned from their mission by concern for ecclesiastical approval
In favor of free and anointed public services that are a rebuke to formalism and considers Spirit-led emotionalism as an essential part of the church's success
Opposed to immodest apparel, worldly fashions, and jewelry in addition to makeup, mannish clothing and cut hair for women
In favor of progress so long as it is in harmony with the Bible and genuine spirituality and contributes to the long-range building-up of God's Kingdom
Opposed to secularism, compromise, and self-deception, all of which trend to disregard the dangers inherent in such diversions at television, secret lodges, mixed swimming, and intercollegiate athletics
In favor of giving careful consideration to maintaining clear conscience in the light of its heritage and commitments and avoiding dangerous pitfalls by the process of simply ignoring the advice given by wise and spiritual forefathers.
In short, the International Conservative Holiness Association believes...
The Bible to be the Word of God and that liberties taken with it will result in eternal destruction for souls. therefore, in matters of doctrine, internal attitude and external standard it seeks to follow the Bible even though such a course may be diametrically opposed to the spirit of the age and the mood of the church world.
In general, and the holiness movement in particular, it believes, on this basis, knowing that "The Church which is married to the spirit of the age will find herself a widow in the next generation."
Click here to learn more about the Executive Committee and their role in the leadership of ICHA Ministries.